Nantucket Land &
Water Council



By the Numbers

General Fund Impacts


Conservation Restrictions


Average annual number of students impacted by our Karen K. Borchert educational grant program


Average annual number of students benefiting from direct educational outreach


Acres of land protected


Hours spent by NLWC staff reviewing policy and project proposals, writing letters, and commenting at public meetings

Water Fund Impacts


Average  number of annual water quality sampling occasions of island ponds


Number of private wells on Nantucket tested for PFAS


Types of PFAS tested for using a groundbreaking new method


Invasive green crabs removed from our harbors so far


Eelgrass shoots transplanted in Nantucket harbor so far


Eelgrass seeds harvested in 2024 alone

Gifts of Securities

Stock, Securities or Mutual Funds

The NLWC also accepts donations in the form of securities, stock or mutual funds. Because the Nantucket Land & Water Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we pay no tax on capital gains. When you donate appreciated securities to the Nantucket Land & Water Council, no tax will be due. You will receive full value for your tax-deductible gift, while we use the whole amount to protect Nantucket’s natural environment. An electronic transfer from your account into the Nantucket Land & Water Council’s account is a convenient way to make your gift. For more information on making this type of donation, please contact our office directly. We will be happy to assist you.

Donor Privacy Policy

Nantucket Land & Water Council will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor will it send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Nantucket Land & Water Council, both online and offline, on any Platform (Nantucket Land & Water Council's website and mobile applications), and to electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent that any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

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