The Town government has a wide variety of governing boards that adjudicate a number of regulatory and policy issues. We encourage you to learn more about our local government and have your voice heard. The protection of our local environmental resources is more successful when more citizens let their voice be heard. Calendars and Agendas for all of the regulatory bodies appear on the Town website. The Nantucket Land & Water Council appears primarily before the following political bodies.
The 2025 Annual Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025, at 8:30 AM at the Nantucket High School Mary P. Walker Auditorium. Each year, a number of articles are submitted, often related to zoning, appropriation for road improvements, bike path extensions, groundcover ratio bylaw change, and the leasing of town-owned land.
For every Town Meeting the NLWC reviews the warrant and provides recommendations based on articles that would have a negative or positive effect on the environment and natural resources of the island.
The Town of Nantucket has a healthy tradition of citizen-submitted warrant articles for town meetings. Per Massachusetts General Law, citizen articles require the signatures of 10 registered voters (registered in the Town of Nantucket) for an annual town meeting and 100 registered voters for special town meetings. The Town of Nantucket has taken the unusual step of providing legal assistance in the preparation of citizen warrant articles. Generally, it is between 2-4 weeks prior to the deadline for citizen article submittals. The timeline for Annual Town Meetings may be found on the Town of Nantucket website.
Click here to learn more on how to prepare a Citizen’s Warrant Article
Serves the community by providing goals and policies that ensure quality in the delivery of town services, long-term planning, and improved efficiencies in operating town government.
Erika D. Mooney,
Operations Administrator
Brooke Mohr,
16 Broad Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Ph: 508-228-7255
Reviews applications as required by the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Nantucket Wetlands Bylaw. All development and proposed activities within 100 feet of a wetland must be reviewed and approved by the Commission.
Jeff Carlson,
Natural Resources Director
Will Dell’Erba,
Conservation Agent
131 Pleasant Street, 2nd Floor
Nantucket, MA 02554
Ph: 508-228-7230
Reviews residential and commercial subdivisions, secondary home applications, special permit requests, and a number of other submissions. The Planning Board also reviews and provides recommendations on zoning changes submitted for Town Meeting approval.
Leslie Snell,
Director of Planning
Megan Trudel,
Senior Planner
2 Fairgrounds Road
Nantucket, MA 02554
Ph: 508-325-7587
The Zoning Board of Appeals interprets and enforces the Town’s Zoning Bylaw. The By-law’s purpose is to “promote the health, safety, convenience, morals and general welfare of Nantucket’s inhabitants, to lessen the danger from fire and congestion and to improve the town.
Town meeting is our highest form of government. Registered voters discuss and decide upon several financial and planning issues either submitted by fellow residents or Town officials. Click here for more information about this year’s meetings.
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